Guild Requirements
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 2:26 pm
The following are must-haves for any person seeking full membership within Reckless Ascension.
Level 125 is required to raid with Reckless. Exceptions may be made, but this must be your #1 priority, and you should be steadily progressing toward this goal. (You may be tagged prior to being level 125; however, your app period will be delayed if not completed.)
Be maxed, or very close to max. Good rule of thumb is 85-90% of class aa. Talk with Robnie.
Please be able to handle 54 person raids without lagging. To be able to judge yourself and your progress, please load Gamparse/other parse programs and become familiar with parsing yourself. It is important that your connection can handle at the minimum self-parsing. This is a must for DPS at the very least, though tanks are preferred to have Gamparse as well. Please install and use GINA.
Official raid times are Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday 7:30P-12:00A EST. Please try to be in the Guild Hall at least 15 mins early. If you are online during official raid times, you are expected to be at the raid. We want people that can make most or all of the raids. The bare minimum RA is approximately 70%; however, special considerations can possibly be made.
All Expansions are required to raid with Reckless Ascension.
A working knowledge of all the zones, especially raid zones. You must be able to find your way to any and all raid targets. You will run for banner to be placed. you will be judged on it.
We don't need you to be fully geared, flagged, or AA'ed when you get here. We do however need you to be willing to put in the work and to pull your own weight. You need to have the basic tools to play the game such as movement speed, invis/lev, shrink item, and other basic necessities. We're not here to baby you or hold your hand, but we are always willing to help should any member need it.
Gear, exp, and AA's are easy to come by - we can and will help you with that, but drive and determination are things only you can do for yourself. If you show up, try your best, show improvement, and are not an overall ass, you shouldn't have any problems making it here.
We require epics for the following classes: Shadow Knights, Shamans, Rogues, Bards, Clerics, Paladins, and Rangers. If you do not have your epic already, you will be required to obtain it during your trial period. No applicant will pass trial without possessing their epic.
We require all Druids, and Shamans to obtain the Rez Stick If you do not have this already, you will be required to obtain it during your trial period. No applicant will pass trial without possessing it.
You should run as many missions as you can to earn currency, and to run as many Vox raids as possible for currency, drops that can be turned in for currency, and a possible item drop. NOTE: the item is a rare drop and you should plan on BUYING one. That said:
- The Vox raid is easily done with nine or so chars. So, it's not difficult - and we are a helpful guild!
- It is YOUR responsibility to either organize Vox raids yourself, or remind officers, BEFORE the night's final attendance is called, that Vox is needed.
(Don't be shy, we're happy to help organize or even run them, but we need notice).
Skill Level:
Each applicant should demonstrate a proper working knowledge of their class, and by the end of the application process, each applicant's skill will excel in Raid-Role Criteria and Class Criteria (given by key members). We are more than willing to provide assistance and guidance during the application process to help insure your success, but please maintain an open mind that is willing to accept constructive criticism. The following is the current Raid-Role Criteria for Reckless Ascension:
Raid awareness - follow emotes, follow raid instructions, participate in rotations, communicate via class channels
Class awareness - knowing your spells/abilities, finding mentors for when you don't, following tips and suggestions AND giving feedback
Healers Generic Criteria
Upward-trend Healing parses for Main Tanks, Off tanks, and raid heals
Spell Count ratios for specific events
Raid Awareness for resurrecting dead raiders
Raid Awareness for buffing people
Tanks Generic Criteria
Raid Awareness: snap-agro when non tanks are getting hit, kiting, etc.
How well can agro be maintained
Proper amount of usage for key skills (Combat abilities, AA, items, etc)
Correct timing of key skills (i.e. stacking mitigations at the right time)
Properly following the tank order (including agro-awareness with other tanks)
DPS Generic Criteria
Upward-trend Stat improvements (i.e. Rogues should try to reach soft cap for HDex)
Spell Count ratios for specific events(including clicks)
Proper Damage parses that demonstrate correct rotations
Raid Awareness: Assisting MA
Raid Awareness: Following directions / adhering to mechanics
ADPS Generic Goals
Upward-trend Stat Improvement
Spell Count ratios for specific events
Group Awareness for correctly stacked ADPS
Raid Awareness for correctly timed ADPS
Second Role performance (i.e. Enchanters' damage, druids' heals, etc.)
We are all here to have fun, but we are also here to win. Winning is fun, learning is fun, do not expect to walk into an event and win right away, sometimes a little struggle is required. Everyone here wants to be the best, we expect you to want to be the best as well, as a team and an individual. Be willing to put the work in on off nights, and raid nights.
If after reading all requirements you are still interested in applying, please contact Robnie for further guidance.
Level 125 is required to raid with Reckless. Exceptions may be made, but this must be your #1 priority, and you should be steadily progressing toward this goal. (You may be tagged prior to being level 125; however, your app period will be delayed if not completed.)
Be maxed, or very close to max. Good rule of thumb is 85-90% of class aa. Talk with Robnie.
Please be able to handle 54 person raids without lagging. To be able to judge yourself and your progress, please load Gamparse/other parse programs and become familiar with parsing yourself. It is important that your connection can handle at the minimum self-parsing. This is a must for DPS at the very least, though tanks are preferred to have Gamparse as well. Please install and use GINA.
Official raid times are Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday 7:30P-12:00A EST. Please try to be in the Guild Hall at least 15 mins early. If you are online during official raid times, you are expected to be at the raid. We want people that can make most or all of the raids. The bare minimum RA is approximately 70%; however, special considerations can possibly be made.
All Expansions are required to raid with Reckless Ascension.
A working knowledge of all the zones, especially raid zones. You must be able to find your way to any and all raid targets. You will run for banner to be placed. you will be judged on it.
We don't need you to be fully geared, flagged, or AA'ed when you get here. We do however need you to be willing to put in the work and to pull your own weight. You need to have the basic tools to play the game such as movement speed, invis/lev, shrink item, and other basic necessities. We're not here to baby you or hold your hand, but we are always willing to help should any member need it.
Gear, exp, and AA's are easy to come by - we can and will help you with that, but drive and determination are things only you can do for yourself. If you show up, try your best, show improvement, and are not an overall ass, you shouldn't have any problems making it here.
We require epics for the following classes: Shadow Knights, Shamans, Rogues, Bards, Clerics, Paladins, and Rangers. If you do not have your epic already, you will be required to obtain it during your trial period. No applicant will pass trial without possessing their epic.
We require all Druids, and Shamans to obtain the Rez Stick If you do not have this already, you will be required to obtain it during your trial period. No applicant will pass trial without possessing it.
You should run as many missions as you can to earn currency, and to run as many Vox raids as possible for currency, drops that can be turned in for currency, and a possible item drop. NOTE: the item is a rare drop and you should plan on BUYING one. That said:
- The Vox raid is easily done with nine or so chars. So, it's not difficult - and we are a helpful guild!
- It is YOUR responsibility to either organize Vox raids yourself, or remind officers, BEFORE the night's final attendance is called, that Vox is needed.
(Don't be shy, we're happy to help organize or even run them, but we need notice).
Skill Level:
Each applicant should demonstrate a proper working knowledge of their class, and by the end of the application process, each applicant's skill will excel in Raid-Role Criteria and Class Criteria (given by key members). We are more than willing to provide assistance and guidance during the application process to help insure your success, but please maintain an open mind that is willing to accept constructive criticism. The following is the current Raid-Role Criteria for Reckless Ascension:
Raid awareness - follow emotes, follow raid instructions, participate in rotations, communicate via class channels
Class awareness - knowing your spells/abilities, finding mentors for when you don't, following tips and suggestions AND giving feedback
Healers Generic Criteria
Upward-trend Healing parses for Main Tanks, Off tanks, and raid heals
Spell Count ratios for specific events
Raid Awareness for resurrecting dead raiders
Raid Awareness for buffing people
Tanks Generic Criteria
Raid Awareness: snap-agro when non tanks are getting hit, kiting, etc.
How well can agro be maintained
Proper amount of usage for key skills (Combat abilities, AA, items, etc)
Correct timing of key skills (i.e. stacking mitigations at the right time)
Properly following the tank order (including agro-awareness with other tanks)
DPS Generic Criteria
Upward-trend Stat improvements (i.e. Rogues should try to reach soft cap for HDex)
Spell Count ratios for specific events(including clicks)
Proper Damage parses that demonstrate correct rotations
Raid Awareness: Assisting MA
Raid Awareness: Following directions / adhering to mechanics
ADPS Generic Goals
Upward-trend Stat Improvement
Spell Count ratios for specific events
Group Awareness for correctly stacked ADPS
Raid Awareness for correctly timed ADPS
Second Role performance (i.e. Enchanters' damage, druids' heals, etc.)
We are all here to have fun, but we are also here to win. Winning is fun, learning is fun, do not expect to walk into an event and win right away, sometimes a little struggle is required. Everyone here wants to be the best, we expect you to want to be the best as well, as a team and an individual. Be willing to put the work in on off nights, and raid nights.
If after reading all requirements you are still interested in applying, please contact Robnie for further guidance.